Russian Doll
Вот это вот всё, плюс это:
"Nadia and Alan actually ARE in purgatory. They actually did die the first time they were hit (where we see Oatmeal slink through the fence - I believe that is the only "real" version we see). What they're re-living is a purgatory brought about by being suicidal. Alan's version of suicidal is the lonely on the inside, clingy on the outside, manifesting through OCD and "I'm fine." He eventually does what most people think suicidal people do, which is jump to ease his own pain. Nadia's version of suicidal is the jaded "don't care" and "what happens will happen, Oh well." She manifests this by pushing everyone away from her so that she doesn't feel pained, while at the same time, doing anything and everything short of killing herself outright in order to numb what is within. (Ruth mentions this when she says that she's watched Nadia chase death at every corner).
The homeless man and Oatmeal (after the first death) are angels. If you remember her going to the Synagogue, the receptionist says after her prayer that angels are all around us. Horse undergoes a transformation that I have yet to figure out, but I feel is the symbology from death to life - black shoes, no shoes, white shoes. Regardless, he continually tries to transform Nadia every time they meet (Let me cut your hair) - even says when he jukes Alan that "We've got another one..." (Lost soul). In the end, he is up on a pedestal holding Oatmeal. He even says to Oatmeal "You choose her." He repeats this at least three times. If Oatmeal is an angel, for me, it explains why he disappears out of Nadia's hands well before anything/anyone else starts vanishing - he is leaving her because she has to learn not to pin all her trust on him, but needs to learn the lesson of trusting other people. Horse (possibly as a version of archangel Gabriel or Uriel) returns one of Nadia's original angels to her waiting hands, but the relationship is altered for the better.
The end parade, for me, is a spirit parade. You'll notice the giant skeleton puppet, the stag head (for me like a forest/protective spirit), etc. They are heading down into a tunnel and even pass their alternate selves (after taking a torch bearing light). Then, even though they should be crossing doing in two different directions (one up, one down as they are back to back), they pass on even footing, and come out going up from the tunnel. It screams of rebirth, the descent and journey of the Hero, (nevermind the name of the episode being the name of the Goddess of mazes and puzzles), but also - for me - says that they have crossed over finally and have joined the spirits to become their own versions of guardian angels - Nadia is Alan's, Alan is Nadia's. "
В сюжете ничего оригинального то есть. Но камерно и симпатично, одна из моих любимых тем. И актриса нравится. 8/10